2010 Fourth of July Fireworks, Lake Thoreau, Reston VA
Residents and visitors take to Lake Thoreau in Reston VA, USA, every Fourth of July to view impromptu Independence Day fireworks displays fired from neighboring homes, properties, and even boats on the lake. Shots from Lake Thoreau, Reston VA, USA, on the 4th of July 2010.
2010-07-04_First Shot...tif
2010-07-04_Fireworks ...tif
2010-07-04_Arching Hi...tif
2010-07-04_Cruising U...tif
2010-07-04_Rockets' R...tif
2010-07-04_ Lake Fire...tif
2010-07-04_ Sunset Fi...tif
2010-07-04_Pink Light...tif
2010-07-04_Boat Party...tif
2010-07-04_Fireworks ...tif
2010-07-04_Starburst ...tif
2010-07-04_High Burst...tif
2010-07-04_Fireworks ...tif
2010-07-04_Fireworks ...tif
2010-07-04_Fire in th...tif
2010-07-04_Lake Firew...tif
2010-07-04_Giant Spar...tif
2010-07-04 - Lake Sun...tif
2010-07-04_Fourth of ...tif